EMPL focuses on addiction prevention among its apprentices


The recent incidents related to drugs in the Zillertal region show how important it is that taking responsibility is not just a matter for politicians, communities and schools but also for businesses. Everyone needs to pull together and EMPL is making its contribution with measures focused on addiction prevention and occupational health care. “Taking action instead of turning a blind eye”, is the motto of the traditional business in the Zillertal region.

EMPL has been training apprentices for a long time and places great value on high-quality education. The family business always ensures that it not only prepares its young employees for their future career in the best possible way but also gives them some support as they transition to adulthood. This also includes addiction prevention that already begins with the youngest ones, the apprentices.

Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations in their private and professional life. Continuous stress can easily be a path to addiction. A two-day in-house workshop on the topic of “addiction prevention” conducted by specially trained youth trainers has been organised to point out the dangers and raise awareness among all of the apprentices employed by EMPL. It is primarily aimed to raise awareness and prevent the development of risky consumption and behaviour from the outset.

The addictive use of various substances, such as nicotine, alcohol and drugs, but also gaming, gambling and internet addiction, poses not only economic challenges for companies. It has many repercussions, including on the work environment, amongst other things. People most affected show changes in their behaviour, outer appearance and / or work performance. Frequent absence, days off and sick days, aggressive behaviour or also mood swings may also be signs of problems. To make sure this does not happen, EMPL focuses on active, sustainable and long-term information and education training for its employees. Only then is addiction prevention effective.

In this way, EMPL makes a significant contribution to a healthy work environment, active staff development and to improving safety at work.

EMPL – taking action instead of turning a blind eye! Taking responsibility!

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