We all take responsibility

Our Philosophy

“We develop and manufacture trailers and vehicle bodies that are individually tailored to the requirements of our customers,” explains company founder Josef Empl (II).

Based on this principle, we have been offering innovative complete solutions and vehicle body features in the highest quality for more than 70 years.

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Competence - quality - professionalism! These guiding values not only play an essential role in the manufacturing and distribution of our products, they also characterise the relationships with our business partners and the overall environment in which we work. We make a distinction between Legal Compliance, Financial Compliance and Social Compliance.

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Sustainable actions. Securing the future.

Quality-/ Environmental Management

Sustainable operations secure our future – for our company as well as for society. Our company organisation is certified to ISO 9001/2015 and ISO 14001/2015.  We conduct quality checks during and after production and continuously monitor and optimise our processes.

Research & Development

Research and development is our motto! This ensures the pioneering quality of our products. Individual solutions are our objective. We achieve this through close cooperation with our customers, our partners and universities. Starting with proven, fully developed basic components, we create EMPL vehicle bodies which clearly differ from those from large-scale production.

EMPL Your Partner

“We are more than just a supplier for our customers. We are a reliable partner.”

Based on this principle, we do not only manufacture individually tailored products for our customers, but also supply modular kits, act as a general contractor or as a system integrator with engineering services for the development of functioning, efficient complete systems. All delivered components are intelligently coordinated.

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Our Dealers & Partners

We believe in maintaining a strong nationwide partner network to provide better service for our customers and to respond to the regional conditions and requirements in the best possible way. We primarily rely on dealers who have many years of experience in the field of fire fighting and commercial vehicles.

We attach great importance to long-term partnerships. We have been working with the majority of our dealers for several decades already. This allows them to provide professional and competent service to their customers.

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How the success story began

Everything started in Kaltenbach no. 5:

In 1926, Josef Empl (I) laid the foundation for a company whose reputation extends across the entire globe today – the EMPL Fahrzeugwerk GmbH. EMPL developed from a small trailer producer for agricultural vehicles into a leading manufacturer for truck bodies and special-purpose trailers in the fields of “fire fighting”, “commercial vehicles” and “defence & authorities”. The company has experienced many changes since its foundation, but some things have remained the same...

To the timeline

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Further questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form. We are going to get back to you as soon as possible.

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