Competence - quality - professionalism! These guiding values not only play an essential role in the manufacturing and distribution of our products, they also characterise the relationships with our business partners and the overall environment in which we work. We make a distinction between Legal Compliance, Financial Compliance and Social Compliance.
Legal Compliance
No one is above the law. For this reason, we expect lawful conduct from our employees and business partners. Compliance with all relevant laws, regulations and framework conditions of the countries where we operate is a matter of course to us.
Financial Compliance
EMPL Fahrzeugwerk GmbH stands for impeccable business conduct. We ensure fair competition and comply with antitrust legislation. Corruption and attempts of corruption as well as any type of illegal activities, such as extortion, money laundering and fraud are forbidden.
Social Compliance
Healthy and fairly treated employees are an integral component of value-oriented, responsible corporate management and therefore essential for the company’s success. Based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN) and the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (ILO), EMPL offers everyone the same rights and opportunities, fair and equitable contracts and good working conditions as well as a stable and safe social working environment.
Code of Conduct
Everyone has a certain amount of leeway in how they act, and therefore the behaviour of each individual is crucial! Respectful, appreciative behaviour promotes the long-term development of EMPL as a company, the relationship with business partners and the trust / reputation towards customers and the public. The following principles apply throughout the company:
In addition to complying with the relevant laws and regulations, ethical behaviour means adopting a fundamental attitude in which bad behaviour is discouraged and good behaviour is promoted. Always with respect to ourselves, society and our environment; in the present and for the future.
The code of conduct for employees, our CSR Statement “Corporate Social Responsibility @ EMPL” and the office and workshop rules provide guidelines for our corporate ethics. To ensure that this is observed throughout the entire supply chain, these principles are also reflected in our code of conduct for suppliers, amongst other things.
Grievances, infringements of the applicable laws as well as other incidents can be reported here.
This whistleblower system is intended for internal and external persons, such as employees, customers, suppliers and other interested parties.
The reports are submitted anonymously, but you can also choose to provide your identity. If more information is required, you will be contacted by means of a code, and a chat function is opened in the whistleblower system.
Thank you for your collaboration!
Report here