EMPL hands over new RF-S to Schwaz fire service


In the presence of Mayor Victoria Weber, Msc., EMPL has handed over its new special-version rescue vehicle to the fire service in the town of Schwaz.

Schwaz fire service’s new special-version rescue vehicle was officially presented in EMPL’s new handover facility on Thursday, 4 August. Besides Mayor Victoria Weber, Msc. and Gert Delazer, Safety Officer for the town of Schwaz, the ceremonial handover of the keys was also attended by Commander Hillmar Baumann, Deputy Commander Hannes Jäger, a delegation from Schwaz fire service and Lucas Linke from Pappas Austria.

Special-version rescue vehicle
The new special-version rescue vehicle is replacing the “Traudl”, a pumper with rescue equipment and breathing apparatus on a Unimog U 1300 chassis that has been in service for nearly 40 years. The new vehicle boasts numerous details and highlights that makes it ideal for the specific deployment requirements of Schwaz’s fire service.

To enable it to reach and fit through the town’s narrow streets and access roads, a Unimog U 530 with a width of 2.3 m was chosen for the base vehicle. Needless to say, EMPL also adopted this narrower “Swiss-style” width along the entire body in light of these considerations. The all-terrain vehicle was fitted with additional rear-axle steering to handle Schwaz’s unique topography. Four-wheel and crab steering thus give it a small turning circle and unbeatable manoeuvrability when using winches, particularly off-road.

Amongst other things, the special-version rescue vehicle also has a crew compartment for a team of 1 + 5, an 800 l water tank, a type 1.300 mid-ship pump fitted to the vehicle chassis, a portable pump, a front-mounted winch, an 8 kVA integrated generator, a 360° bird’s eye view camera system, a light mast and extensive equipment for technical support. With its unparalleled equipment and abilities, the vehicle is ideally prepared for major emergencies should the civil protection authorities in the state of Tyrol sound the alarm.

EMPL: the perfect solution for any application!

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